I am Joanet Feliu, worker, republican and socialist, son of Josep Feliu and grandson of Joan Feliu.
I was born in Cabanyal 17 years ago. I started working at a fan factory owned by the Colomina family when I was 12, although I don’t work the full 11-hour workday because my father wants me to learn at the School of the Artisans. I agree with him -- as the socialists say, the worker should dedicate eight hours of his day to working, eight to sleep, and eight to educating himself. I also agree with some anarchist ideas such as their penchant for direct action and strikes, like the one the other workers and I are participating in right now. On the other hand, for the time being, one of the biggest hopes for us workers is Mr. Vincent Blasco Ibañez, who just won the elections in Valencia. His easy-to-understand speech, his moving writing, and republican, anticlerical, and modernizing ideas will take us to the Second Republic. He himself has promised in a rally that he’ll build a Casa del Pueblo (“House of the People”) so that the trade unions can hold meetings. I can’t wait till I'm old enough to vote for him.