Ramón Pujades (1580-1648)

I am Father Ramon Pujades, a Dominican acting as a carer to the sick at the House of Troy.


Our Lord has decided, for our sins and our guilt, to grieve the city with the plague, and, once again, the corruptible human nature has shown that they deserve this punishment from God. While at first everyone was afraid of disease, it has now become so common that no one respects and vice runs so free and loose we do not know if God will take pity on us. Many fled the city, but people, fearful of the Lord, remained to comfort the afflicted and keep order. Just know that the only way to control the contagion spreading is to quarantine the sick and allow them to be cared for by their closest relatives. The monks take care of the hospitalized in the infirmaries and there I now serve, knowing that in the end I will deliver my soul up to God as the Archbishop Aliaga as many of my brothers have already done.