My name is Jesus, the boy of Joan Vicent Franco and his wife Anne Llagostera.
Mr. Franco says that I was picked up, as a newborn, from the General Hospital, where I was left 10 years ago. I try to be am helpful and disciplined, as mandated by the Holy Mother Church. I like the big festive processions, especially those celebrated for Saint Dionysius and St. George, because the whole city is decorated, and masquerade ball always include fireworks! However the celebration that I like the most is that of Corpus, with its lively intense dances in the morning and then parades in the afternoon. At home Myrtle decorated the balconies ornately and decorated the facade with mirrors, paintings and illuminations. All to honor the Sagrada Forma, the sacred host, who leads the procession accompanied by the evangelists, the cirialots and floats with biblical scenes.