I am Muhammad ibn Tahir, perfurmer of Balansiya, friend, neighbour and distant relative of Ahmad ibn Galib.
I was born in the year 562 of the Hégira on times of King Lobo and I am 66 years old. It seems that nobody realizes the gravity of our situation. Baniskula, (Peñiscola) just surrender to Iaqmu al-Barshaluníand if the Crhistians are strong our country shall be subject to hir ride. People have revolted against thealmohads and Sayyid Abu Sa'id, has been forced to take refuge in Suburb (Segorbe). Now Zayyan ibn Mardanis, govern us, wak and confronted with all the almohad and the powerful king of Mursiyya (Murcia), Ibn Hud al-Mutawakkil. We should join forces against the enemy instead of fighting among us.