I am Hassan ibn Sad, tanner of Balansiya, second uncle of Ahmad ibn Galib, owner of the manor.
I have reached to the old age with very few goods. I am 60 years old and my modest fur business in in the hands of my son Muhammad. I live in the same neighbourhood as Ahmad ibn Galib, whose great-grandfather, the first perfurmer of the family, was the brother of my grandfather. At his home I am always welcome and I like to spend time instilling good values to children. Now, I try to help the youngIbrahim learn the genealogy of our lineage: The Yahsub. He is Ibrahin ibn Galib ibn Muhammad ibn Abd Allah, the first perfurmer of the family, ibn Yusuf, called Yusuf in honor to the emir of the almoravidbelievers, ibn Abd Allah, who fought against the Cid, ibn Yafar ibn Sa'id al Qurtubi, who emigrated from Qurtuba to Balansiya, ibn Malik ibn Jalid ibn Abd-al-Karim ibn Dawud ibn Yahyá ibn Alí ibn Hilal ibn Abu Bakr Sa'id ibn Al-Yashubí lord who arrived to Al-Andalus from Yemen in the times of Emir Abd Al-Rahman.