I am Joan Llorenç, a master pelaire and member Holy Germanía of Valencia.
I was born in Valencia almost 60 years ago at the home of a family of pelaires. Finally, after so many years, it seems that we artisans can restore justice and the fear of God in our city. We have been receiving God's punishment for our misused authority, our tolerance toward inequality and our support of immorality and terrible sins such sodomy. We can see the signs—first, a great flood of the Río Túria, then lightning on the Micalet, and now lack of bread, a plague and threat of Moorish assaults. Because of all of this, we brothers took up arms and organized ourselves into dehenes, but the governor forbade us; now, we members of the Germanía are joined by solemn oath. We elected a group of trustees, the Board of Thirteen Sindicates, each from a separate guild, in order to make Valencia an economic commune like Venice-- in which the three hands are represented as Eiximenis proclaimed. The Board will direct the Germanía and make decisions in regard to justice, taxation, and the industry of the city. Its first determination was to send an ambassador, the weaver Guillem Sorolla, to King Carlos for the approval of our Constitution. If it passes His Majesty’s approval, he will allow us to coin money and will listen to our grievances. Long live la Germanía! Long live the king, our lord! May God and His Majesty defend us from evil government!