I am Álvar, Castilian peasant, and now infantryman for El Cid.
My family is from Sepulveda, past the River Duero. I am the youngest of four siblings and am hardly suited for an inheritance, so when I was 20 years old, thirteen years ago, I joined as a servant in thearmed guard (mesnada) which besieged Tolaitola (Toledo) and put it in the hands of King Alfonso of Castile. A few of us, commanded by Alvar Fáñez and by direct order from the king, guarded Al-Qadir, the emir of Tolaitola whom we had recently overthrown, until we reached Balansiya with the aim that he would govern there is exchange for paying parias. When Alvar Fáñez had to leave the city to help the king in the battle of Zalaca (Sagrajas) against the almoravids, I joined the mesnada of the Cid Campeadorwho attacked and took over Balansiya from Al-Qadir. Some years ago King Alfonso sent troops to fight against the city in order to divert the taxes that Don Ruy was charging; and Don Ruy, wanting to avoid facing our king, ordered us to abandon the city. With the support of a small detachment of Almoravids, the Muslims took advantage of the occasion by killing. Al-Qadir and supporting the cadí Ibn Yahhaf, giving him the title of ra'is. Soon after, the Cid once again subdued the city; we besieged it one year after it was conquered, we occupied it, and we grew strong in it. For a large part of all of these years, thecavalry raids and my salary as soldier permitted me to save some money. Now Don Ruy hopes to make a bishopric in the city so that the Church and the king of Castile legitimize his government. I think I will return to Sepulveda to buy a plot of land before the clergymen begin to demand rent