I am Munio Gonzalez, Castilian infanzón (nobleman of lower nobility) and cavalryman in the armed guard of Don Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, the Campeador.
I was born in Burgos 35 years ago, son of the infanzón Gonzalo Fernández and of Sancha Ordóñez. At 16 I joined the armed guard of Don Rodrigo Diaz as a squire. At 19, being victims of the “royal rage” of Alfonso the Brave, we were forced to leave Castile and serve the lords of Saraqusta (Zaragoza). At 24, with the royal pardon of Don Ruy (Rodrigo), I inherited the title of infanzón and some lands in Burgos, allowing me to move up in rank within the retinue. Now I command a few soldiers who are battle-hardened, though the majority of them lack brains and ambitions. Eight years ago, in 1089, King Alfonso once again began to mistrust Don Rodrigo, but since then we have invoked terror in everyone: we have defeated both the Counts of Barcelona and the Almoravids and we taken Balansiya. For three years we have ruled over the city and its territory. Don Ruy has sought the approval of the Church to declare this land a Christian kingdom in the sea of Muslim influence; if we succeed, I will be able to return to Castile in good standing and will be able to marry a proper noblewoman.