I am Lorenzo Jarque, though they call me Llorenç Eixarch here in Valencia. I just got into town.
I am a native of Teruel and I am 26 years old. When my father died a year ago without leaving anything more than his potter’s wheel and his craft, I decided to come to Valencia seeking fortune. Shortly after arriving I met Berenguer Tovia at the cattle fair in Ruzafa and he is helping me get settled in the city. He offered to be the guarantor in my request avecindamiento and now insists that I join his brotherhood, Santa Ana, although I’m hesitant because most are bruneters. He also introduced me to Omar Tahuell, a Jewish doctor who gave me the necessary loan to lease a patio in the pobla of Bisbe and install my pottery workshop. There must have been a Moorish cemetery in the area because the clay is always full of bones; however, it’s still good soil, and with the water from the irrigation ditch na Rovella I can make any piece that a client demands, such as gray pots and pans or any kind of work painted in green and brown and gold: bowls, plates, pitchers, vases, jugs, oilers, pots…