I am Livia Acte, wife of patrician Publio Crescens Quintiliano
I have just returned from visiting several friends in Rome. I went to promote Publio Crescen’s business, who is my second husband. I grew up in the house of Marco Herenio Justo, who granted me my manumission (freedom) when I was 16 and took in adoptio our son Cneo. I then married my first husband Decimo Cornelio Marciano, but he died soon after. Five years ago I married Publio Crescens Quintiliano, widower too, who had just returned from the provincial government. Together we donate large amounts of money to the municipality, pay admission fees to the baths (Termas), and have funded celebrations, theatrical performances, and races in the circus. We live in a large domus located in thedecumanus maximus, very close to the forum, which is bursting with activity.