I am Lucio Antonio Niger, of the gens Antonii, patrician and senator of Valentia.
I was born in 75 A.D., under Emperor Vespasian, and I am 48 years old. The Antonii are one of the oldest gens in Valentia, that come from the first veteres. The admiration I professed towards the great generals Julius Caesar and Octavian Augustus, Rome´s greatest conquerors, prompted me to start my military career. In my youth I fought under the command of Trajan against the Dacians, beyond the Danube, and against the Parthians in Mesopotamia. I knew the confines of our Empire, and at age 40 I returned to Valentia with the honor of having served as legatus legionis, the central pillar of my cursus honorum. After having occupied various magistracies in the city, I am now a municipal Senator. I spend my days going between the forum, the curia, the baths and my seats reserved in the circus. My main concern is the candidacy for edil of my firstborn son, Cayo.